giovedì 10 gennaio 2013
Oracle UCM: Customize search view
In today's post how to customize search view allowing you to personalize elements displayed during documents search among UCM.
Login to your UCM and perform any document search. Results will appear, click Change View -> Customize
I choose to customize headline view (if you choose another view the procedure is still the same)
Assign a name to:
Content List Template ID:
Content List Template Label:
and select all items you would like to have in your customized search view.
The most important item is Description since it's a highly customizable field.
Description field can be customized using html and code snippets
<b><$lcCaption("wwNativeExtension")$></b> <$dExtension$><br>
<b><$lcCaption("wwSCORE")$></b> <$SCORE$><br>
<i>Custom Metadata Label (SRING):</i> <b><$xCustom_Metadata1$></b><br>
<b>Custom Metadata Label (INTEGER):</b> <$formatInteger(xCustom_Metadata2)$>
In the code above you can see standard html tags:
<b></b> bold
<br> go to a new line (like pressing RETURN)
<i></i> italic
And UCM code:
<$lcCaption("wwSCORE")$> Insert the LABEL of "wwSCORE" metadata
<$dExtension$> Insert the VALUE of "dExtensioN" metadata
<$xCustom_Metadata1$> Insert the VALUE of "xCustom_Metadata1". xCustom_Metadata1 is a string type metadata
<$formatInteger(xCustom_Metadata2)$> Insert the VALUE of "xCustom_Metadata2". xCustom_Metadata2 is a integer type metadata
Once finished click Save button
To enable your custom search view perform any document search, click Change View, select your custom view.
That's all!!
But if logged in by other user how to display that customized template in their profile.
RispondiEliminaas far as I know unfortunately that is not possibile. It requires the development of a custom component.